June 2024 News

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June 2024 News

June 2024 News

Continuation of internal gas piping operations
Beginning of the installation of lighting panels by Payasazeh company
Continuing the operation of the amphitheater and meeting halls of the hospital on the 1st floor and negotiating with the BOSE company representative to purchase the amphitheater sound system equipment.
Continuing the construction of all low pressure panels in the engine room
Delivery of the second part of the sound insulation of the air-conditioning rooms and notice to the supplier to not send the second part.
Continuing the installation of cooling system faucets (to set up cooling towers)
Continue installing compression chillers and roof cooling towers
·      Receiving the schedule for the execution of the beds (including the 10th-11th and 13th floors)
Continue the construction of the air conditioners of the project
Entry of all phase III elevators (28 machines) to Bandar Abbas customs
Receiving the initial schedule (buildings and facilities) 9th floor+ (air conditioning rooms)
The start of the implementation of the foundation of fire pumps on the 2nd floor
Continuing the collection of the 25-ton tower crane interfering with the facade and part of the structure
·      Sending and handing over 8 project transformers
· Continuation of the operation to remove the defects of the 19+ and 20+ floors
·      Meetings with contractors to set up fire alarm and extinguishing systems in the doctors' building by the end of this year.
The arrival of all escalator equipment to the manufacturer's factory and the start of assembly operations in the factory
Continuing the completion of the engine room with the priority of electrical operations
Continuing the implementation of the completion of the 6th floor (parking)
· The start of the operation of the trans room building on the 2nd floor - to the contractor
Continuing the project lighting operations on the west side
Negotiating with the supplier of Clymer baskets for the purchase of 10 monorail system baskets.
Negotiating with the representatives of ARI company to purchase 24 steam milking machines related to engine room absorption chillers.
Testing of 1 absorption chiller in the engine room and the end of strengthening its cover
Continuing the operation of the helipad view

The physical progress of the whole project is 78.56%.
The implementation of the facilities has reached a total progress of about 62%.
Hard working and thin working operations have reached a total progress of 67 and 49 percent, respectively.