May 2024 News

5 July 24 Print

May 2024 News

May 2024 News

· Completion of the gas station construction operations of the Atiye 2 project
Completing the construction of electrical panels for the lighting system of the project facade and handing it over to Payasazeh for installation
Continuing the operation of the amphitheater and meeting halls of the hospital on the 1st floor
·      Colleagues of monitoring unit visited the construction process of 2 water booster pumps
Beginning of installation of cooling system faucets (to set up cooling towers)
·      Receiving the schedule for the execution of the bed floors (including floors 10-11 and 13)
Receiving the initial schedule (buildings and facilities) 9th floor+ (air conditioning rooms)
Completion of the design process of the foundation of fire pumps on the 2nd floor
Beginning of the collection operation of the 25-ton tower crane interfering with the facade and part of the structure
· Testing project transformers and planning to deliver it in July
Completing the construction of the ground floor escalator and handing it over to Iranian customs
Continuing the implementation of the completion of the 6th floor (parking)
· Notifying the contractor of the implementation details of the trans rooms on the 2nd floor
Continuing the project lighting operations on the west side
·      Visiting the monorail climbing factory to buy the necessary baskets
·      Purchase and delivery of all kenaf materials and irons for bed floors
·      Bulk purchase of 9+ floor installation pipes by the contractor
6th floor:
Execution of sprinkler piping and cementing and painting of the parking roof

5th floor- :
Correcting and completing the painting of parking floor signs

Floor 4+:
Repair and repair of ceramics and Kenaf walls

Floor 5+:
Moving the modular wall panels of the operating room

Floor 6+:
Implementation of the entrance door plate of elevators and infrastructure, panel, type and putty for the elevator pit wall
Implementation of the insulation of the second layer of the terrace and mesh and rabbets of the parapet wall of the terrace

Floor 9+:
Implementation of earth connection and transfer of air conditioning room pipes

Floor 17+:
Dry ceiling false ceiling panel
Wiring and cable laying and electrical pipe for ceiling and wall of wet space

Floor 21+:
Ceiling and wall painting and implementation of false ceiling chassis in dry space
Performing ceramics
Corridor ceiling electric pipe

Floor 22+:
Implementation of ceramics, cement and plastering

Floor 23+:
Implementation of plastering
Running the Firefox pipeline
Electrical piping of the dry wall

Implementation of pipelines of cooling towers and supporting supports and full welding of pipelines
Molding and concreting the roof pool and opening the mold

The physical progress of the whole project is 78.37%.
The implementation of the facilities has reached a total progress of about 61%.
The implementation of mechanical and electrical facilities has reached a total progress of 65 and 57 percent, respectively.