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November 2024 News

November 2024 News

• Continuing internal gas piping operations and conducting pipe welding tests under the supervision of the engineering system supervisor
• Completing the installation of lighting panels by Payasazeh Company
• Completing the installation of low-pressure panels in the engine room and planning for testing and commissioning
• Continuing the installation of project elevators and following up with the contractor to strengthen the installation capacity
• Planning to install two diesel generators on the 2nd floor
• Temporary delivery of the 20th floor
• Continuing the execution of the west and east sides of the 17th floor
• Carrying out the execution of the central zones of the 18th to 20th floors
• Preparing the south side of the 17th floor for temporary delivery
• Temporary covering of the escalators for their physical protection until commissioning
• Continuing the execution of the engine room
• Continuing the execution of the 6th floor (parking lot)
• Continuing the execution of the lighting of the project facade on the west side
• Completing the execution of the water tank foundation on the 16th floor and coordinating with the tank supplier to send them
• Holding a tender for the purchase of electrical panels for the first phase floors and determining the winner of the tender

Floor 6-:
Grinding the parking lot floor
Applying epoxy to the parking lot floor
Installing parking lights

Floor 2-:
Implementing steam traps
Implementing connection to the riser
Implementing the condensate pipe rack
Implementing the tank floor concreting and reinforcement
Implementing the mosaic of the main electrical room
Implementing sewage pipes
Painting the soft water tank

Floor 1-:
Implementing the mesh and soundproofing of the air conditioner foundation

Floor 1+:
Implementing the sprinkler pipeline
Implementing the amphitheater hall sewage pipeline
Constructing the amphitheater's external channels
Implementing the canning line
Installing supports and cable trays
Constructing and installing the plenum box

Floor 9+:
Implementing jointing
Implementing the metal ramp

Floor 13+:
Implementing the kerbing

Floor 17+:
Implementation of ceramic tiles in the elevator lobby corridor
Implementation of 5-layer water supply piping
Painting of the elevator wall
Implementation of flooring
Implementation of plastering
Implementation of full mesh

Floor 18+:
Central side cementing

Floor 20+:
Central zone false ceiling panel

Floor 25+:
Implementation of 5-layer water supply piping
Implementation of common support

Implementation of elevator room cementing

The physical progress of the entire project is 80.5 percent.
The implementation of the facilities has reached an overall progress of about 68 percent.
The implementation of mechanical and electrical facilities has reached an overall progress of 72 and 65 percent, respectively.